admroarnycAugust 09, 2021
July 2021 Progress Report Open Until September 1st
The next progress report period is open for one more month. Program Coordinators can login to their account on and fill out their progress report until September 1st.
Graphic Novels Summer Workshop Series
Moni Barrette and Maggie P. Chang are here to talk all about Graphic Novels.
Download the printable flyer here
New Booklist from NYPL: Social Emotional Learning
We’re excited to provide this book list for toddlers of new, great books that promote a child’s social and emotional development. When parents and caregivers ask for book recommendations, this is a great list to provide. Download the booklist here |
Sign Up Reminder for Vooks 75,000 FREE Logins for Families

This is a reminder to continue distributing your allocation of the 75,000 FREE Vooks logins to families at their visits. Vooks is a kid safe, ad-free streaming library of read aloud, animated storybooks. It is trusted by parents, loved by teachers, and enjoyed by millions of children around the world. Again, Vooks is not a replacement for physical books, but rather an accompaniment.
If you are conducting a well-child visit via telehealth, we recommend giving families access, no matter the age of their child. The same holds true if your site is out of physical books. Currently, Vooks is only in English, but they are in the process of translating their e-books into multiple languages. In the meantime, Vooks are a great resource for children and parents/caregivers who are learning English as a second language.
Vooks also provides reading guides for every e-book for parents and caregivers to use when reading with their child together.
We strongly recommend that you sign up for your own free Vooks account to become familiar with it, so you can answer any questions your families may have.
HERE you will find a flyer in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese that you can give to your families, which shows them how to sign up.
HERE you will find a quick video on how to set up your account. It is very simple and user friendly!
New ROR GNY Employee
Patricia (Trish) Rollins, Development Manager

Trish brings over seven years of professional development experience which includes grant writing, peer-to-peer fundraising, securing corporate sponsorships, and event planning. As a proud born-and-raised New Yorker, Trish is involved with several philanthropic ventures in the community. She is a volunteer Team Leader with New York Cares, on the Autism Speaks Staten Island Walk Committee, and a member of the Greenbelt Conservancy. She has run eleven half marathons and three full marathons, including running the NYC Marathon twice, and she holds a BA in English Literature from the College of Staten Island.